Admission Guide

Maryam Memorial Hospital intends to provide quality care to the patients using its facilities. “Admission Protocols” provides policy guidelines to healthcare providers not covered in existing policies.

1. Only consultants with clinical privileges to practice at Maryam Memorial Hospital are entitled to admit patients to its facilities.


a. Prior to admission, patient has to be examined, investigated and provisionally diagnosed by the admitting consultant.

b. In surgical patients it is the responsibility of the admitting consultant to obtain pre-operative medical/cardiac fitness in patients with underlying medical/cardiac problems (HTN, DM, and IHD).

c. Admitting instructions
 Instructions to Admission Clerk
 Instructions to DMO regarding:
i. Treatment/management
ii. Any further investigations
iii. Pre-operative instructions
iv. (For surgical patients)
v. Pre-operative anaesthesia assessment
vi. According to Hospital Policy on Anaesthsia Services


1. All emergency admissions will be routed through ER.
2. DMO will examine, investigate, evaluate and initiate treatment / management and refer to the concerned specialist on call*.
3. The on call consultant (if not present in the Hospital), may give instructions to DMO on telephone regarding immediate treatment/management pending his arrival to attend the patient in ER on ASAP basis.
4. Unstable emergency patient should be managed in ER till the arrival of the on call consultant.
5. The decision to transfer a critical patient out of ER lies with consultant in charge of the patient.
6. For transfer of a critically ill patient to other health care facility for Services Not Available at MMH Hospital Policy should be followed.
4. For Admission of Patients Transferred from other Healthcare Facilities, Hospital Policy should be followed.
*If specialist on call is not available, Duty Medical
Officer should call any consultant of the concerned specialty to avoid delay in patient care.